Greetings Roundhouse Faithful!

We are on the eve of an historic moment, the kegging of our first two beers: Golden Spike IPA and Cowcatcher Ale.  I was super stoked to hear that Chuck named one of our beers Cowcatcher. You see, I always pictured a Cowcatcher as a large noble person who was called upon to catch a cow that was in need.  Say, if Bessie was stuck on the 3rd floor of a burning building, the Cowcatcher would safely catch her.  I am sure I saw this on the news somewhere.

I did something I don’t normally do as the Minster of Information, I fact checked it.  Now, I could have read the Beers section of our own website or even asked Chuck who is standing 10 feet away. Instead, I opted to Google it and much to my horror I found this. This thing does not safely catch cows at all.  It sends them.  It is a Cowsender.  


Instead of gently landing in the arms of a Firefighter, Bessie is suddenly entered in the Big Air competition at the X Games.  

At this point of the Blog post you are probably wondering what any of this has to do with the Brewery.  Nothing really, except this part:  Now that we are opening soon we will be posting photos, videos, and other nonsense on a daily basis.  Instead of swamping your Facebook account, the vast majority of our posts will be on Instagram at:  Roundhouse1551.  I will still continue to update the Blog and Facebook with any major news.  But if this not enough for you, check us out on Instagram.   














Picture this but with a cow on the bike.  That would be pretty cool actually.  

Picture this but with a cow on the bike.  That would be pretty cool actually.  



Keep on Chugging . . . Responsibly