The Faithful

Greetings Roundhouse Faithful!As the chief sporadic blogger for Roundhouse I get a lot of questions about what goes into the blog.  People ask questions such as how do you write the blog?  Is it a collection from a kindergarten writing contest?  Do...

Crisis . . .

Faithful!  I am not going to lie to you, Roundhouse is in grave danger.  It all started this morning when Harold Johnson from Tainter, Wisconsin walked in the door.  Before we could even say good morning he started talking trash on the Vikings.  He...

Dedication . . .

Roundhouse Faithful . . . So I  may have really stretched the faith of the 7 people who actually read this blog.  It has been a long time since my last post.  What can I say, I am lazy and get distracted really Ooo butterfly . . .  Ok I am back....

This Train is Hauling . . .

Roundhouse Faithful! It has been too long. A lot has happened in the past month.  A lot of new beers, a lot of live music, a lot more hours, and a lot of great people stopping by for a pint or two.  Seriously, we have more beer then taps right now, and there is more...

Short and Sweet

This is it, the moment we have all been waiting for, for me to head to Alaska so Roundhouse can have its Grand Opening.  Hold on a second, why do you always do this to me? I love grand openings, with all the live music, the food, and 10, count them 10 beers...